Cricket as a Game not creating new audiance

what i am going to talk in this article might be not very popular! I am a keen cricket lover who himself play the game at very low level, mainly due to talent, fitness, family and life in normal, feel we are seeing too much cricket and due to that public is losing inteset in it.

I think we are trying to follow the football model but probelm we are facing is; we are not following it properly (neem hakeem khatra jan) which mean if you know some think half you have chance of losing it and it is dangerous. I think we should follow the football model for shoter formate of the game and then we keep a window for test matches which should only be played between nations and ICC should also encourge cricket boards to keep the domestic structure strong and pay more for longer formate of the game to player and introduce some sort of marketing scheme to bring the seriouse crickter lover back to stadium.

Long live cricket.

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